1,992 research outputs found

    Morphometric and cladistic analyses of the phylogeny of Macropodinium (Ciliophora : Litostomatea : Macropodiniidae)

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    Phylogenetic studies of the genus Macropodinium were conducted using two methods; phenetics and cladistics. The phenetic study of morphometrics suggested that the genus could be divided into 3 groups attributable mostly to cell size and shape. The cladistic study also split the genus into 3 groups related to cell size but groups were further distinguished by patterns of ornamentation. Reconciliation of both approaches revealed considerable congruence, however, it also suggested the existence of convergences in the phenetic study and a lack of resolution in the cladistic study. The morphological diversity of Macropodinium is probably due to evolutionary trends such as increasing body size, allometry and polymerisation of structures. None of these trends, however, was uniformly directional and differential effects were observed in different regions of the phylogenetic tree. Comparison of the phylogeny of Macropodinium to a consensus phylogeny of the macropodids revealed limited incongruence between the 2 trees. The ciliate groups could be related to 2 host groups; the wallaby genera and the kangaroo and wallaroo subgenera. The association with these host groups may be the result of phyletic codescent, ecological resource tracking or a combination of both. Further studies of both host and ciliate phylogeny are necessary to resolve these effects

    The azimuthal component of Poynting's vector and the angular momentum of light

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    The usual description in basic electromagnetic theory of the linear and angular momenta of light is centred upon the identification of Poynting's vector as the linear momentum density and its cross product with position, or azimuthal component, as the angular momentum density. This seemingly reasonable approach brings with it peculiarities, however, in particular with regards to the separation of angular momentum into orbital and spin contributions, which has sometimes been regarded as contrived. In the present paper, we observe that densities are not unique, which leads us to ask whether the usual description is, in fact, the most natural choice. To answer this, we adopt a fundamental rather than heuristic approach by first identifying appropriate symmetries of Maxwell's equations and subsequently applying Noether's theorem to obtain associated conservation laws. We do not arrive at the usual description. Rather, an equally acceptable one in which the relationship between linear and angular momenta is nevertheless more subtle and in which orbital and spin contributions emerge separately and with transparent forms

    Phosphorylation of ezrin on Thr567 is required for the synergistic activation of cell spreading by EPAC1 and protein kinase A in HEK293T cells

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that the actin binding protein, ezrin, and the cAMP-sensor, EPAC1, cooperate to induce cell spreading in response to elevations in intracellular cAMP. To investigate the mechanisms underlying these effects we generated a model of EPAC1-dependent cell spreading based on the stable transfection of EPAC1 into HEK293T (HEK293T–EPAC1) cells. We found that direct activation of EPAC1 with the EPAC-selective analogue, 8-pCPT-2′-O-Me-cAMP (007), promoted cell spreading in these cells. In addition, co-activation of EPAC1 and PKA, with a combination of the adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, and the cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor, rolipram, was found to synergistically enhance cell spreading, in association with cortical actin bundling and mobilisation of ezrin to the plasma membrane. PKA activation was also associated with phosphorylation of ezrin on Thr567, as detected by an electrophoretic band mobility shift during SDS-PAGE. Inhibition of PKA activity blocked ezrin phosphorylation and reduced the cell spreading response to cAMP elevation to levels induced by EPAC1-activation alone. Transfection of HEK293T–EPAC1 cells with inhibitory ezrin mutants lacking the key PKA phosphorylation site, ezrin-Thr567Ala, or the ability to associate with actin, ezrin-Arg579Ala, promoted cell arborisation and blocked the ability of EPAC1 and PKA to further promote cell spreading. The PKA phospho-mimetic mutants of ezrin, ezrin-Thr567Asp had no effect on EPAC1-driven cell spreading. Our results indicate that association of ezrin with the actin cytoskeleton and phosphorylation on Thr567 are required, but not sufficient, for PKA and EPAC1 to synergistically promote cell spreading following elevations in intracellular cAMP

    Deeper, Wider, Sharper: Next-Generation Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Observations of Binary Black Holes

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    Next-generation observations will revolutionize our understanding of binary black holes and will detect new sources, such as intermediate-mass black holes. Primary science goals include: Discover binary black holes throughout the observable Universe; Reveal the fundamental properties of black holes; Uncover the seeds of supermassive black holes.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, White Paper Submitted to Astro2020 (2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey) by GWIC 3G Science Case Team (GWIC: Gravitational Wave International Committee

    Association of Injury History and Incident Injury in Cadet Basic Military Training

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    To determine the association between injury history at enrollment and incident lower extremity (LE) injury during cadet basic training among first-year military cadets

    Comparative Mt genomics of the Tipuloidea (Diptera: Nematocera: Tipulomorpha) and its implications for the phylogeny of the Tipulomorpha

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    A traditionally controversial taxon, the Tipulomorpha has been frequently discussed with respect to both its familial composition and relationships with other Nematocera. The interpretation of internal relationships within the Tipuloidea, which include the Tipulidae sensu stricto, Cylindrotomidae, Pediciidae and Limoniidae, is also problematic. We sequenced the first complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of Symplecta hybrida (Meigen, 1804), which belongs to the subfamily Chioneinae of family Limoniidae, and another five nearly complete mt genomes from the Tipuloidea. We did a comparative analysis of these mt genomics and used them, along with some other representatives of the Nematocera to construct phylogenetic trees. Trees inferred by Bayesian methods strongly support a sister-group relationship between Trichoceridae and Tipuloidea. Tipulomorpha are not supported as the earliest branch of the Diptera. Furthermore, phylogenetic trees indicate that the family Limoniidae is a paraphyletic group

    Computational and Systems Biology Advances to Enable Bioagent-Agnostic Signatures

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    Enumerated threat agent lists have long driven biodefense priorities. The global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic demonstrated the limitations of searching for known threat agents as compared to a more agnostic approach. Recent technological advances are enabling agent-agnostic biodefense, especially through the integration of multi-modal observations of host-pathogen interactions directed by a human immunological model. Although well-developed technical assays exist for many aspects of human-pathogen interaction, the analytic methods and pipelines to combine and holistically interpret the results of such assays are immature and require further investments to exploit new technologies. In this manuscript, we discuss potential immunologically based bioagent-agnostic approaches and the computational tool gaps the community should prioritize filling

    Catalyst-free hydrophosphinylation of isocyanates and isothiocyanates under low-added-solvent conditions

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    A catalyst-free, low-solvent method for the hydrophosphinylation of isocyanates and isothiocyanates is reported. A range of phosphorus nucleophiles including secondary phosphine oxides HP(O)R2 (R = Ph, iPr), phosphites HP(O)(OR)2 (R = Me, Et), and methyl phenylphosphinate were tested. The procedure tolerated isocyanates and isothiocyanates featuring a wide range of substituents and, with use of 4 equiv of 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (2-MeTHF), solid substrates can be utilized. Twenty-five compounds were prepared with improved functional group tolerance compared to previous methods allowing access to new compounds (16 are novel). Facile scale up and simple reaction conditions make this a straightforward and practical methodology for obtaining phosphorus analogues of ureas and thioureas, which are challenging to synthesize by other methods
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